Thursday, September 30, 2010

Save your Boobies!

Walking down the isles of my local grocery store when I saw this display of pink goodness...
and then realized... Why not support breast cancer AWAREness by feeding my body some artificial flavoring, artificial coloring (usually named after lakes that I don't think exist... i.e. yellow lake number 5 or some shit. where are these lakes??), and a list of ingredients as long as the back of my 6 pack of pink ribbon raspberry cheesecake snack pack that I can't pronounce, or begin to think of what plant or farm they could possibly come from, that are usually named something like CARBOXYMETHYLCELLULOSE.
And I happen to like run-on sentences. So laaaaaadies!!! Do yourself a favor and grab the nearest processed food, chow down and rest assured that "they" would never put an ingredient in your favorite food that would ever do harm to you...or your boobies!

speaking of boobies...

Friday, September 17, 2010

seXy time.

I want this shirt. That's all.

A random blow up doll at some house in NOLA...that ended up on a lamp...with mardi gras beads coming out of places...I don't know.

Girl band album cover. The guys say the album's really good.

Happy Friday ya'll!

Friday, September 10, 2010

the Fast and the Furious.

A coworker of mine does "a photo a day" with his iphone...he's kind of a anyway, check the thumbnail in column three, row three. hehe! it's a shot of the painting I did for my FastStart peeps!

I think he's got some good work...especially for an iphone. If you wanna check out some more of his stuff>>> A photo A Day check it!

And the most interesting display of frustration at a bar I've seen in a while...

...a beer bottle label made into little balls and organized into circle formation...aww...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

go Cox!

This is pretty funny for a girl who gets the giggles every time there is a Cox Cable comercial on t.v....this is so much better than that! Happy Friday!!

photo donated by D.P.